
Mangapikopiko School is governed by an enrolment scheme.  The Mangapikopiko School Board of Trustees has resolved to only accept in zone students for the 2024 school year.  We will continue to monitor our roll and reevaluate this decision for the 2025 school year.

Mangapikopiko Prospectus.pdf

School Zone

Starting at the corner of Rosehill Drive and Gt South Road, travel south down Gt South Road until 499 Gt South Road (only odd numbers included). Continue southwest to 71 Parkhaven Drive, including odd numbers from 1-71 and even numbers from 2-28. The eastern boundary then continues southwest to the Southern Motorway, travelling south until the end of 144 Park Estate Road. The southern boundary then travels along the coastline, including the area south of Park Estate Road and north of Park Estate Road until 44 Ngakoro Road (including Tuangi Road, Matarau Road, Nohoanga Road, Pahekeheke Road, Papareia Road, Rauaruhe Road, Te Aute Road, Papakowhatu Road, Horomia Road). Then continue north along the Southern Motorway until shifting east to Dumas Place. Include all of Dumas Place and turn northeast at the intersection of Chichester Drive and Dumas Place until Rosehill Drive, including 18 Chichester Drive and above. Continue east along Rosehill Drive until Gt South Road (only even numbers included)

All residential addresses on included sides of boundary roads and all no exit roads off included sides of boundary roads are included in the zone unless otherwise stated.